Creator spotlight: Brett Uren

Today’s post is a special one, as we’re premiering another round of creator spotlights. As we did before the release of our first issue, we’re going to present everyone who’s involved with Outré #2. First up is Brett Uren, whose work we may have mentioned earlier this year.

Brett Uren headshot

Who are you?
My name is Brett Uren, I’m a writer and artist hailing from The Shire… I mean Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England.

Sometimes I get confused, both have hairy short people, ubiquitous pubs and magic in the hills.

I enjoy all forms of art and this is reflected in the breadth of my work. However, I must confess to enjoying the streak of darkness that runs through my sci-fi, fantasy and cartoon output.

When I think of a nasty idea I light up like a kid at Christmas.
That’s probably normal, right?

Why do you write and draw?
There was once was a musician who worked for a Canadian Dreadlock Wax and Accessory company, his name was Jacob the Baker. He cut up old 70’s funk records with children’s story tapes, hip-hop beats and Slayer. And yea it was awesome.

On his only album before an untimely death, there was a track which contained a voice over for it’s whole length. The stand out passage – ‘Jacob was as a reed and God blew through him, making music of him’.

Now, I’m not a religious sort, but I understand the subconscious and spiritual connections inherent in letting a creation be born via you, almost playing the role of midwife for a memetic birthing. I am compelled to see how far down the rabbit hole I can go, then looking back at the screen or paper and thinking ‘did I do that?’.

Also, I devoured cartoons, comics and video games as a kid and i’ve refused to ‘grow up’. There is no defining biological line that states you must become some buttoned-down, sensible, societally-compliant ‘adult’. It’s just a state of mind… and one I thoroughly disapprove of. It seriously stunts your horizons.

Where can one find you?
You can have a delve around my work and blog-type ramblings at, and I am also part of the team at my current indie publisher, Dead Universe Publishing, whom you can gawk at via and I sometimes write articles or reviews for and am connected at the hip to my email via that home office crossed with a Tamagotchi… you know, a smartphone.

Brett’s story in Outré #2 is titled “Torsobear”. It’s a grim fable set in the cozy, cartoon-like city of Toyburg, and it’s also the only story in the issue that’s created by a single artist.

As a special treat for our readers we’re going show you a special pin-up Brett made for the story, which should also give you a good impression of what you can expect from it art-wise:
torsobear cover
Have you ever seen a cuter cop duo? We didn’t think so. Check out more samples of Brett’s amazing art below and be sure to tune in next week.

Gog magog


Kimbiji and Tap Vale A3 print - 1

Vale A3 print - 2b

Stay creative!

Magnus & Glenn
Outré Press

One response to “Creator spotlight: Brett Uren

  1. I am a friend of Bretts father and I remember Brett as a child and some of the amazing pictures and cartoons he used to create then, especially a 3d picture he had on his bedroom wall, brilliant talent, I wish you a the very best Brett.

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